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    Tips untuk Ammo tidak terbatas :

    1. Jalankan Moonlight Engine lalu jalankan Hide Toolz

    2. Tutupi proses Moonlight Engine dengan program Hide Toolz

    3. Jalankan PointBlank.exe kemudian sertakan proses untuk MoonLight Engine

    4. Scan 4 byte Ammo yang anda punya (ie, 40)

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    Facts About Student Loan Consolidation

    Undergraduate students, graduate students, and the parents of students can look to lenders, credit unions, and the federal government for help if they want to simplify their debt. A wealth of student loan consolidation experts are available to guide students and parents through the act of putting all of their student loans together into one lump sum with a reduced interest rate. This helps students and parents to significantly reduce the number of bills they have to pay each month. It is also a fantastic way to manage finances and begin the process of getting their monthly payments under control.

    Federal student loan consolidation allows all active student loans to be compiled into one manageable monthly payment. If a student qualifies for federal student loans, then he or she also qualifies for federal student loan consolidation. This includes Stafford loans, Perkins loans, PLUS loans, Direct loans, HEAL, SLS, Health Professional student loans, NSL, and Guaranteed Student loans. Whether the recipient of a loan is the student or his or her parents, they can look into student loan consolidation. All loans must be consolidated separately, however. In July of 2006, a new provision maintains that married students are no longer allowed to lump their student loans together for the purpose of consolidation. An individual's loans must be consolidated separately.

    Consolidation becomes a viable option only after the repayment period for a loan or loans has begun, or during the inherent grace period. Students are no longer able to begin consolidating their loans while they are still attending college. Parents however can begin to consolidate their PLUS loans at any time. As long as the repayment plan is satisfactory, loan recipients are also able to consolidate student loans if the loans are in default.

    Both parents and students have to consolidate their student loans with a lender who is different from the one who loaned them the initial student loans. Doing so allows them to receive a lower interest rate and substantially more savings. Generally, lenders require a minimum balance for loan consolidation. Federal and private student loans have to be consolidated separately. This is because federal loan consolidation usually offers better advantages and lower interest rates. Interest rates are determined by averaging the current rates of the loans which will be consolidated and rounding the answer up to one-eighth of a percent. The interest rate can go up if a borrower extends the terms of the loan's repayment plan.

    Federal loan consolidation requires no credit checks but the period of repayment is usually longer. In general, consolidating federal student loans results in lower monthly payments, because the loan period is extended from ten years to anywhere between twelve and thirty - it all depends on the amount of the loan.

    Federal student loans and private student loans cannot be consolidated into one big loan. They are entirely separate loans and have to remain separated even in matters of consolidation. The primary benefit of consolidating private student loans is the borrower's ability to receive a single payment a month. It is entirely possible that the monthly amount will be lower, as the act of consolidating resets the entire student loan period. Any private student loan which has been consolidated will likely have a higher total interest rate, since it has to be paid out over a longer period of time. When deciding to consolidate student loans, the recipient of the loan should research which consolidation companies offer variable or fixed interest rates, what any penalties may be, and what kinds of fees are charged.

    By Gary Marjani

    What is Peritoneal Mesothelioma?

    Peritoneal Mesothelioma is a tumor of the membrane Peritoneum. The peritoneum is a thin membrane in the organs in the abdomen consisting of mesothelial cells.

    Peritoneal Mesothelioma is associated to coming about from having previous exposure to asbestos, and in many cases is found through routine abdominal xrays and CT scans showing something different than normal.

    Peritoneal Mesothelioma can stay dormant in your body for many years, before it will be seen, and for this reason many people years after they have been exposed to asbestos will be diagnosed with Peritoneal Mesothelioma. About 20% of all mesotheliomas are Peritoneal Mesothelioma, and they can be of two types: malignant and benign.

    What are the Symptons of Peritoneal Mesothelioma?

    - abdominal pains

    - weakness

    - weight loss

    - loss of appetite

    - nausea

    - abdominal swelling

    The symptoms become more severe over time and should be checked out by a doctor. If they do not, they will cause increasing pressure on your abdomen organs, causing much discomfort, and will lead to bowel obstruction and distention.

    How is peritoneal mesothelioma diagnosed?
    A peritoneoscopy is performed, and if there is a reason to be concerned, a biopsy is performed. A biopsy is the process of taking a piece of tissue to be given to a pathologist for analysis. The pathologist uses a microscope to analyse the tissue and make the actual diagnosis.

    Currently, it is still unknown why Asbestos causes the mesothelial cells to be cancerous, and it is unsure how many fibers are needed for the tumor to occur. Many treatments exist for peritoneal mesothelioma, however a cure has yet to be found.

    What are some of the treatments available for Peritoneal Mesothelioma?

    - chemotherapy

    - radiation therapy

    - surgery.

    If you are feeling any of the symptoms noted above, ensure you have it checked out early. The earlier the diagnosis of Peritoneal Mesothelioma, the better chance the treatments will be effective.

    By Michael Kralj

    Student Loan Consolidation Benefits

    Most new graduates usually do not earn much at their first jobs, making it difficult for them to meet their student loan payments. If you need to lower your monthly payments, and you anticipate that you'll be earning more in the future, then consolidating your loans may be the answer to your problems. When you consolidate your student loans, you'll be making smaller monthly payments since you'll be repaying the debt over a longer period. This is one of the major loan consolidation benefits. Other benefits include making only one monthly payment rather than multiple payments to several lenders, no penalties for early repayment or overpayment and the interest payments are income tax-deductible.

    Student loan consolidation benefits also include interest rate reductions offered by lenders to those who sign up for automatic direct debit programs and make prompt repayments, in order to encourage borrowers to sign up with them. On the average, you will get a 0.25% discount if you direct-debit your payments and a 1% discount if you have paid promptly for 36 months. You should be aware, however, that you will lose the reduction permanently if you are late with just one monthly payment. Even if you're enrolled in direct-debit, you can still be late on a payment if you have an insufficient balance in your bank account.

    Another thing to keep in mind is that, although you'll enjoy student loan consolidation benefits in the form of lower monthly payments, in the long run you'll end up paying more in interest rates. Since loan consolidation can increase the repayment term from the standard ten for student loans to as much as thirty years, you may end up paying as much as double or more of the interest you would have paid on your non-consolidated loans. However, you can reduce the amount of extra interest you'll end up paying by increasing your monthly payments once you can afford to do so.

    Those pursuing careers in low-paying fields may also want to consider an income-based repayment (IBR) program rather than loan consolidation. Under an IBR plan, your monthly payments will be capped at an amount based on your income and family size, although you will be paying off your loan for 25 years rather than the standard ten years of student loans. However, if you qualify, any remaining balances after 25 years will be canceled. Still, if you believe that student loan consolidation benefits outweigh any potential drawbacks, then you should sign up for a loan consolidation program.

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    Types Of Online Brokers

    Types Of Online Brokers

    Do you know that there are many different types of online brokers? A simple search engine search will bring up the massive results of companies and options that are out there so how do you even begin to know which one to go with? All online brokers are not the same.

    Different brokerage services offer different features. Before you can begin to understand the types of brokers and which one you need to meet your needs, you will need to know what the different types of brokers are.

    There are different types of brokers that offer different levels of assistance and services. There are two main types of online brokers they are regular brokers and broker resellers. A broker that will deal with their client directly is called a regular broker. Broker resellers are actually an intermediary that goes between you the client and a larger broker company.

    There are four basic categories of online brokers that you can find. We are going to list and describe them below so that you know what you are looking for in the wide spectrum of online broker options.

    1. discount brokers/online brokers
    2. assisted discount broker
    3. full service broker
    4. money manager/financial advisor

    So what are these 4 different types of brokers, what are their specific jobs and how do you know which one you need for your online trading usage?

    1. Discount/Online Brokers

    The online discount broker is basically just an order taker. You put in the trade that you want to make and they place it for you, typically online although some take orders over the phone as well. You will not receive help or advice from your discount broker. They are simple and to the point and you do not get any “extras” as you are not paying for them. They won’t help you will your stocks or help you pick a stock and if you are dealing online, you most likely will never even speak to any of the employees.

    Keep in mind that while discount brokers will save you money, it will be at the expense of little to no assistance whatsoever. You may find some discount or online brokers that offer assistance with research but it is typically through a third party and will cost you more money through that third party.

    2. Assisted Discount Broker

    An assisted discount broker will offer you a bit more than a non-assisted online broker. Exactly how much help they give varies and you will need to check with them first to see how much assistance a particular service offers you. They offer varied services which don’t leave you completely on your own but don’t provide a full service either.

    Their websites will usually have more information on them, more ways for you to get in contact with someone and they may also have newsletters and other methods of giving you investing assistance. They will typically provide you with general information, not specific stock suggestions.

    3. Full Service Broker

    A full service broker will provide many of the same services as a traditional offline broker. They will give you advice and recommendations on specific stocks. They will be available to give you suggestions, advice, hints, tips and assistance through the trading process. They will begin with an assessment of your financial situation to help determine your needs and what investment opportunities are best for you.

    A full service broker will help put together a portfolio that meets your needs and desires and your financial abilities at this time. If you don’t have the time for putting into your stock trading and investment opportunities, this is a great idea as they will do all the hard work for you. You just need to make sure you are choosing someone who is qualified and able to help you properly

    4. Money Manager/Financial Advisor

    A money manager or financial advisor handles specific needs. They may sometimes also be called by other names. Basically they handle larger portfolios such as those investors dealing with large sums of money to be invested. Money managers are trained to take responsibility for investing and managing large portfolios. A good money manager will be expensive but for obvious reasons, well worth it.

    You will have to consider the different types of brokers and choose one that meets your needs the best. It will of course, be up to you which one you decide to choose but whatever you choose you should make sure that you follow the proper precautions to protect yourself when trading.

    Make sure the broker you choose is covered by the Securities Investor Protection Corporation which will protect your assets in a brokerage account for up to $500,000 in the event that the firm fails. This insurance is very important, especially with so many online brokerage firms these days.

    Remember that the insurance does not cover you in the event of trading losses, even if the broker suggested the trades. You are still ultimately responsible for those losses. Make sure that whoever you decide, you feel comfortable with them and that you can trust them to handle something as sensitive and your money and investments.

    Selecting an Online Broker

    What You Need To Know To Do It Successfully

    A simple search engine search on the internet will show you that there are many online brokers and agents out there that want your business. Since the electronic trading industry first was created in 1994, e-brokers have established businesses to assist you. These e-brokers strive to take over the market and offer you cheaper rates. They compete both with traditional off-line brokers and also with other online brokers.

    Many a do-it-yourself investor has been confused by the mass of options when it comes to selecting an online broker. There are many to choose from and they all seem to offer exactly what you need. This is why it is very important to make sure you do your research before selecting an online broker. Look for online websites that will give you impartial evaluations on different brokers. Find out what others have to say about the broker you are considering.

    Make sure you take selecting a broker seriously. Take your time in selecting a broker. Look for one that will be available when you need them. If you know there will be specific time that you will most likely need your broker make sure that their site is available at this time of day or night.

    You should also find out how long it takes for their site to load during peak times. Nothing is more frustrating that needing to make an important trade and being unable to load the webpage to do so online!

    Find out if they have a lot of technical difficulties that will prevent their site from loading. It can very annoying if you want to contact your broker on an important issue and get the response, site not responding check back later. Even if the page does load successfully, it is still a good idea to visit several of their links to ensure everything is working properly. See what type of promise or guarantee they have in regards to their website and its availability.

    Trading Basics

    When you decide to participate in online trading, there are some important things you need to know such as:

  • Price to purchase and trade

    Do you know what the prices are to purchase and trade stocks online? Do you know
    how to know what it a good price? Do you know when a good time to buy is and when to
    sell? These are all things a good investor needs to be familiar with when making
    investment decisions.

  • Learn how to choose a broker

    Learn what to look for, what to avoid, fees to expect and more. Deciding when you need a broker, do you know what to look for? Do you know how to select the right broker for your needs from among the many different choices out there?

  • Portfolios

    How to create and maintain a portfolio. How to make your portfolio work best for you.
    Maintaining your portfolio over time as it grows. Building an online portfolio, updating it, checking your stocks online and more.

  • Costs and fees
    What fees you can expect and why as well as which ones can be reduced or avoided
    altogether. What do you need to pay to start investing or to get into certain types of trades?

    Another aspect of choosing an online broker is what type of customer service they have to offer.

    If you have to call them to discuss important issues, then you do not want to talk to a machine or be placed on hold for long periods of time. There are many other steps that go into selecting the proper online broker for your online trading needs. Please see below for more great tips from us on how you can choose the perfect broker for you and your needs.
  • Haro BMX Bikes

    Haro BMX Bikes

    Do you know why many professionals prefer Haro mountain bikes than any other? Generally, Haro mountain bikes come with 26 inches or 559 mm wheels which have broad and knobbier tires for more grip and absorption of shock.

    Some of the varieties and colors of this bike include; BMX FIC found in blue and yellow, BMX F1 in black and orange, BMX Back trail Haro X1 available in blue, black and orange, BMX F2 in green, double plat, black or red and also BMX Partial 16 available in color black.When it comes to Haro mountain bikes, their simplicity in design is the secret to performance.

    BMX Extreme Bicycle Design

    Needless to say that at the very beginning of the BMX racing / riding era there were no bikes constructed quite like the BMX Bike . Some of the very first BMX bicycle builders such as R&R racing products, Webco, RedLine and Mongoose focused on creating bicycles that would be specifically crafted for the sport. Additionally, it had Motomag wheels and longer crank arms than the conventional bikes.

    Initially, BMX bike construction was aimed at making a bike witch would be as resistant as possible. However, weight became a serious issue when racing gained popularity. Out of all BMX constructors, R&R Racing created the first 3 pound frame witch not only was lighter but it also was very resistant. Later on, when Freestyle BMX became more popular, BMX bikes went through various additions/changes.

    Additionally, something very important that needed to be considered is that this new era of BMX bikes had to be a lot more resistant than racing bikes. Finally, most BMX bikes where equipped with a feature known as 'Gyro'. Among others, GT, Haro, MBK, Hoffman bikes, Diamondback and Hutch have established a pretty good reputation in the BMX world.

    Babolat Tennis Racquet

    Babolat Tennis Racquet

    Babolat tennis racquets are specifically designed to suit the individual needs of a player and take into account aspects of play such as power, style and overall comfort. If you are looking to improve your game a Babolat tennis racquet may be just what you are searching for.

    The AeroPro Drive Cortex Junior or The Roddick Junior are both super racquets for a junior player starting to learn the game. As far as racquets for advanced level play go, a favorite of Rafael Nadal, the Babolat AeroPro Drive Cortex provides great spin potential as well as hitting powerfully. For a player of say, 4.5, this is the ideal racquet to up their game a level.

    Yet another favored racquet is the Roddick Pure Drive GT plus which is used by Andy Roddick.

    Babolat Tennis Racquet Reviews

    If you are, it is quite probable you know that both these players use Babolat racquets. Babolat offers a range of racquets for players of all skill levels. The company has a junior range for beginners, a recreational range, an intermediate line followed by racquets for advanced and professional players. However, Babolat tennis racquet reviews are generally available for the advanced and expert segments as these racquets are more expensive and people buying them would like to get the maximum value for money, which in this case means an improved game.

    Weighing nearly 11 ounce, this lightweight racquet will give you all the control and manoeuvrability that you've always desired. Next is the 27in Babolat Pure Drive. Great manoeuvrability and great performance coming at a great price of $189 make this bat a coveted item for next game.

    And finally the Babolat Pure Drive Plus, the model used by Andy Roddick. The 1/2 inch extra length added to Pure Drive forces players using Pure Drive Plus to adjust to swinging the bat earlier. Available for $175 (Internet stores' price) this racquet can certainly give you the Roddick power.

    Thus, I would advice all tennis aficionados to go through some Babolat tennis racquet reviews before you hit the sports' goods store near you to pick the right tennis racquet for yourself.

    Antec USB Powered Notebook Cooler

    Antec USB Powered Notebook Cooler

    This article is mainly for those who have a laptop or notebook, or maybe one of those smaller laptops or notebooks known as the netbook. Because as long as it is a computer, it generates heat due to the various processes in the computer circuits.

    Not only can the heat fry the computer circuit board, if it is not properly disseminated, but it will also cause you to be unproductive in work, as the computer may function slower than normal, or even crash.

    Do you get an elevated stand and place your laptop on top of it so that some air can pass beneath your laptop? What is a laptop cooler you might ask? A laptop cooler is actually a platform, usually with some metallic parts to dissipate the heat of the laptop and there are fans within the platform to blow cool air into the bottom of the laptop. Then most of this notebook coolers are powered by USB ports, hence you need not connect them to the electrical mains.

    If you are deeply interested to purchase a notebook cooler, I would suggest you get one that is USB powered. And one of the best selling USB notebook coolers is actually the Antec USB Powered Notebook Cooler. This antec USB powered notebook cooler, when I last seen on Amazon, costs just a meagre $20.

    Opinion and Review of Antec USB Powered Notebook Cooler

    The Antec USB Powered Notebook Cooler is single handedly the greatest add on I've ever purchased for my laptop. Before I bought a cooling pad, my laptop would shut down without notice and freeze up. I even tried a different usb-powered cooler, but it failed horribly. I decided that there had to be better cooling pad for my laptop after I tested several different brands of cooling pads.

    The Antec USB Powered Notebook Cooler works in a completely different way then coolers in the past. The cooler has two convenient settings, low and high. My laptop sits soundly on top of 4 rubber feet, that are connected to the cooling pad. The cooler does raise my laptop up around 2 inches off the ground however it's easily worth it for the additional time on my laptop. The cooler is setup for a left-sided connection to the USB, so if you're USB port on your laptop is on the right side, you may have to buy an extension cable.I wonder now how long my last laptop might have lasted if I'd had a cooler that truly worked like this one.

    10 pembangkit listrik tenaga air terbesar di dunia

    Sering dapat giliran mati lampu? Sedang asik noton atau bercanda dengan keluarga tiba pret, gelap gulita. Dari pada kesal lebih baik kita simak pembangkit listrik tenaga air terbesar di Dunia. Kapasitas PLTA terbesar indonesia seperti Cirata 8 X 126 MW . Siapa tahu sejak direktur PLN di ganti Indonesia masuk dalam daftar berikut ini:
    1. Bendungan Tiga Ngarai (Three Gorges Dam), terletak di provinsi Hubei, Cina. Jika semua selesai di 2011 dapat menghasilkan listrik sebesar 25.615 mega watt, cukup untuk menerangi seluruh indonesia saat ini. Luas waduknya saja ga kira-kira, hampir sepertiga luas danau Toba, atau sekitar 632 km persegi.
    2. Itaipu di Brazil dengan kapasitas 14.000 MW dengan luas waduk 1.350 km persegi
    3. Guri (Simón Bolívar) di Venezuela dengan kapasitas 10.200 MV dengan luas waduk 4.250 km2
    4. Tucuruí di Brazil dengan kapasitas terpasang 8.370 MV dengan luas waduk 3.014 km2
    5. Grand Coulee di Amerika dengan kapasitas terpasang 6.809 MV
    6. Sayano Shushenskaya di Rusia, dengan kapasitas listrik 6.400 MV
    7. Longtan Dam di Cina dengan kapasitas terpasang 6.300 MV
    8. Krasnoyarskaya di Rusia, dengan kapasitas 6.000 MV
    9. Robert-Bourassa di Kanada dengan kapasitas 5.516 MV
    10. Churchill Falls di Kanada dengan kapasitas terpasang 5.429 MV

    Fakta Tentang Air

    Seluruh mahluk hidup di permukaan Bumi ini tentu butuh air, berikut fakta tentang air yang layak kita simak.
    1. Air tidak berbau, tidak berasa, dan berbentuk cairan transparan pada temperatur kamar.
    2. Air meliputi 70% dari permukaan bumi, baik berbentuk air laut, sungai, danau dan gunung es.
    3. Sialnya, 97% air yang ada di bumi ini asin dan hanya 3% nya yang berbentuk air segar. Dengan jumlah populasi manusia 6,8 milyar (perkiraan wikipedia) di Bumi ini dan kebutuhan air untuk minum kita yang 2 liter perhari, berapa tahan air kalau tidak di hemat.
    4. Air bisa menghasilkan energi listrik. Diperkirakan 24% (sekitar 675.000 megawatt) dari kebutuhan listrik Dunia berasal dari tenaga air menurut National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Bandingkan dengan kapasitas listrik terpasang kita sekitar 24.700 megawatt
    5. 60 % lebih tubuh manusia terdiri dari air (berbeda menurut usia dan jenis kelamin). Dengan perincian 83% darah kita terdiri dari air, 70% otak kita terdiri dari air, dan 90% paru-paru kita terdiri dari air.
    6. Air dapat berubah bentuk. Membeku (dibawah nol derajat Celsius), berbentuk cairan di temperatur kamar, dan berbentuk uap padatemperatur 100 derajat Celsius keatas.
    7. Air juga berpengaruh terhadap iklim di permukaan bumi

    Sumber: witcombe, ga.water.usgs

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